This week in the Human Design transits forecast for 17th-23rd December 2024 (17/12-23/12) the sun shifts into gate 10, the role of the self, in the G center. We continue to transit through the 35-36 as we move into the Christmas period. We spend a single day with the 63-4, channel of logic.
Today, Tuesday 17th December, the sun continues to move through gate 11, the gate of ideas. As this gate moves through the upper trigram lines, 4, 5 and 6, you may feel more inspired to share your ideas with others this week.
Lines 4, 5 and 6, naturally want to share the information that they possess. You may notice that the folks in your life with a Left Angle Cross profile (4/1, 4/6, 5/1, 5/2, 6/2, 6/3) are intrinsically wired to share what they have learned with others. They might learn a new fact and think, “ooh who can I share this with?”. Or learn a new skill and immediately go, “who could benefit from this too?” This is a natural process and doesn’t take conscious effort on their behalf.
You might find yourself inclined to share your font of ideas with your close network who can mutually benefit (4th line), people in a widely applicable way (5th line), or just drop the info and see if it’s picked up (6th line), until Friday.
Human Design transits forecast 17/12-23/12 Theme: self love, surrender and questioning what we know.
Thursday 19th December, the sun in 11 is joined by the channel of logic, 63-4 from the head to the ajna. This is going to really double up the “ideas” feel of the week.
The channel of logic connects the gate of doubt with the gate of answers. As part of the collective logical circuit, it is in the business of organising the mental patterns we share as a collective. Therefore, the doubt from 63 fuels the ability to come up with answers in the 4.
Much like gate 11, these aren’t definitive statements that are meant to be acted up, merely a whole heap of potential answers for the doubts created in the head center. Although named the channel of logic, it would be more aptly called the channel of “is this logic?”
Gate 63 is here to question what we as a collective see as logic, creating places for inquiry and opportunities for new solutions to come through. But the price to pay here is the loss of something that you did think was true.
This is my conscious earth and I find myself constantly asking “but is it though?” when presented with any sort of fact about life and the “rules” as we know them.
So today you may want to ask yourself, what is truth? What do I know that maybe could be different? How can I look at life differently?
Sun shifts into gate 10
On Friday 20th December, the sun shifts into gate 10, the gate of the behaviour of the self (always mouthful to say), in the G center. As part of the integration channels, gate 10 can connect to the 20 (now), 57 (intuition) or the 34 (power), making it a very versatile energy. Due to its ability to connect to multiple gates, it’s quite prominent in our shared experiences in all its forms.
Firstly, a quick recap of the integration channels! These 4 gates and the 5 channels they create are solely focused on individual freedom and survival. The energy here is not for the collective, or the kin, it is just yours and about you. It is about how you show up and how you move through the world.
Gate 10 brings us all of these themes.
The gate of the behaviour of the self is rooted in self love. Asking questions like, do I love myself enough to show up precisely as I am? Do I love myself enough to surrender to life and my authority? Do I love myself enough to trust in my own unique direction in life?
And these are some big questions. Because what is “self-love” to begin with? You may want to think about, what do I need to feel like I can indulge in self-love? What activities/thoughts/feelings make me feel loved? What does showing up (self) lovingly look like for me?
Gate 10 is where you pour yourself into the world through how you behave.
With the sun in this placement it is an invitation to look inside and ask, in which areas do I struggle to trust myself? How would it feel to show up fully as myself? What evidence do I have that JUST being me in enough?
The beauty of gate 10, and bringing self-empowered energy into life, is that it creates countless ripples. They may not be immediately obvious but when you trust in yourself, love yourself and surrender to life you make an impact on the others. It is through this ability to trust and surrender that you empower others to do just that.
If gate 10 does not connect to any hanging gates in your chart, you may feel like you struggle to express your uniqueness. You may find yourself this week over occupied with the unaligned behaviour of others instead. This week you may want to ask, how can I witness the other just as they are? How is this moment inviting my to sink deeper into myself?
This is a beautiful energy to carry us into the festive period. Stay rooted in this mantra, “I know who I am. I trust in where I am going. I do not need to prove my alignment to anyone else. My job is to just be me.”
the channel of transitoriness
This entire week is also defined with the 35-36, channel of transitoriness. So noodling over, what stories am I telling myself about how life should look? Where can I surrender to the experience? What am I learning from each little crisis of my days?
Until next week…
I’d love to know how these Human Design Transits forecast for 17/12-23/12 show up for you! Send me an email or drop a comment in the contact box!
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