This week in the Human Design transits forecast for 10th-16th December 2024 (10/12-16/12) the sun shifts into gate 26, in the heart. We continue to enjoy the 35-36 into next week. Plus you’ll be joined by the 45-21 channel of the alpha, and the 3-60 channel of innovation, each for a single day.cause you absolutely should be!
Today, Tuesday 10th December (actually yesterday but who’s checking?), the sun shifts from its time in the sacral to gate 26, gate of the egoist, in the heart center. The gate of the egoist is the expression of tribal circuit energy into the world through sheer willpower.
As this is a tribal circuit gate, it relies on the recognition and support of the other. Gate 26 brings the ego power to lead through delegation and in order to carry out this role well, they must be supported by those around them. As we know strong leaders have the best interests of all at their heart, and this is very true with the gate of the egoist.
So this week, you are all carrying the energy to manage the skills of others to ensure maximum output and efficiency. The heart center does not have consistent access to energy. It comes in short bursts and this fuels (as the heart is a motor) its need to manage well. By organizing those around it, the heart center ensures that everyone has their needs met. But this also ensures that the heart energy does as little as possible.
You may want to ask yourself, who do I know that can support me this week? Where do I recognise talents and skills in another? What can I put my willpower behind?
What’s your bargain in life?
Gate 26, as with all tribal circuit energy, carries a strong bargain. Here the bargain sounds like, “I will manage the skills you all bring, so all our needs will be met.” And in order for the skills to keep coming, the management must be fair and fruitful for all.
Reflect on, where is the bargain too expensive? Who takes more than they give? Am I overgiving? How is serving myself serving my closest kin?
Human Design transits forecast 10/12-16/12 Theme: Adventure, Control & diving into life
This quite beautifully aligns with the 45-21, channel of the Money Line, joining on Tuesday 10th for just one day only too.
The 21-45 connects the heart center to the throat directly. Adding a theme of expression to this week. Named the Money Line, this channel brings the energy to create through willpower and expression on this material plaine. For the channel to succeed, and make the impact (Manifested channel), it must be able to truly put its heart into life.
So you might wish to ponder over, where do I want to put my heart into life? What is my heart no longer in?
Like gate 26, channel 21-45 is here to be in control. Once again being a tribal circuit gate, this control ensures that everybody prospers. What you can be in control of in each season of your life can vary wildly. So today tune in and see, where can I be in control? Where does life feel out of control? What makes me feel prosperous and powerful?
And once again we see not self themes of feeling selfish creeping in here. This is pure ego manifested energy, it is here to get what it wants. Getting what you want today is EXACTLY how you serve those you love.
Reflecting on, what do I want? Where are my desires leading me? Where can I create the most reward for the smallest physical output?
Jack of all trades for 2025
The Channel of Transitoriness entered the transits on December 2nd and with both gates, 35 and 36, in slow moving planets this will carry you through into the New Year. Gate 35 of growth is currently in Jupiter. The gate of crisis, 36, is transiting through Neptune. So we’ll all be moving into 2025 carrying a “Jack of All Trades” energy.
If you’ve been here for a while you’ll know this is the channel that makes me a Manifestor, give me my emotional authority, and also the one I could talk about for the rest of my life!
The channel is love and despair and adventure and misery. It is everything life can throw at you, when you throw yourself at life. The 36-35 becomes the “Jack of all Trades” not through some god-given talent but through its ability to keep showing up for life. This energy wants to live life, to be a part of life. It has a deep understanding that you can only truly feel by doing, and that any feeling is better than the absence of one. And such it finds itself on many an adventure.
With multiple nicknames, the mushroom eater, the channel of fucking, this energy samples life until it has learnt its lesson. If you’re a third line this energy might feel very you, and you might be much more prepared to live in it with us over the next few weeks and months.
The collective emotional wave
The channel creates the collective emotional wave. This wave is a constant steady rise through expectation and adventure, to the inevitable steep drop to disappointment (and potentially despair). It is the constant movement up and swiftly down that will flavour the coming weeks.
The despair drop (as we’re now calling it) might be triggered, it might be obvious. Or it might bottom out for no reason.
The key to accepting this energy is allowing yourself to witness your excitement and expectation, yet still hold them lightly as you move through life. Because the lesson here is that the growth and the excitement is always in the journey.
You are being invited to live in the now. Gathering the wisdom, noticing life, feeling the feels, but being present with what is, not what you hoped would be.
You can ponder on, where are expectations stopping me from living life? Can I allow myself to jump into the adventure without the details? What does a courageous life feel like to me? Is there a place in life I want to just say “fuck it”?
Indulging in Rose tinted glasses
On Saturday 14th December, the sun shifts into gate 11, the gate of ideas. This is part of the 11-56 channel of curiosity, connecting the ajna to the throat. Gate 11 brings a continual stream of changing ideas that aren’t necessarily meant to manifest.
As part of a mental stream, there is no energy here, no motor centers. So anything created here is merely potential. And this speaks true for gate 11. This is a place of ideas that are here to be shared not necessarily acted upon.
As part of the collective circuit, and especially with the 36-35 hanging around, gate 11 can often seek new experiences, that bring new stories, that allow for even more wild ideas to come through. Again, these are JUST ideas. They might be idealistic, rose-tinted and impractical. But this energy is here to stir the feelings in the other, of what might it look like? How could it be done? How could it be different? And this is a place of excitement!
So this week you might wish to ask, what new ideas have I had? Who do I love to ideate with? What new ways could we do life? Which experiences are calling me?
Until next week…
I’d love to know how these Human Design Transits forecast for 10/12-16/12 show up for you! Send me an email or drop a comment in the contact box!
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