This week in the Human Design transits forecast for 3rd-9th December 2024 (03/12-09/12) the sun shifts into gate 5 in the sacral. We’re joined by the 58-18 channel of judgement, then spend the ENTIRE week with the 36-35 channel of transitoriness! So are you ready for all the feels? Because you absolutely should be!
Today, Tuesday 3rd December the sun shifts into gate 5, the gate of fixed rhythms. This is a part of the 5-15 channel of rhythm connecting the sacral to the G centre. But before we dive into that, the sacral sun transits.
Just as we had with the Spleen a few months back, the sun is transiting through some sacral gates. This continuous sacral energy and sacral focus is asking you a few things. Are you doing what lights you up? Are you responding to life? Aka not trying to force it into being but acknowledging that you are designed to let life come to you.
And this goes for all types! Even the Manifestors. Especially the Manifestors. Whilst you are here to initiate, obviously, you’re still waiting for life to bring you the urges, bring you the desire to create, and bring you the energy to go about getting it done!
So as we collectively transit through gate 5 in the sacral, can you inside? Can you focus on what feels expansive? Can you allow life to move you towards what is meant for you? Is there flexibility to allow life to lead, even just for a little while?
As with all things, you don’t have to go hard on this. You don’t have to go all or nothing. But can you hold life just a little more lightly this week, and allow space for life to lead you in your own direction.
Back to gate 5 – fixed rhythms
Gate 5 is my unconscious earth. So as part of my incarnation cross I feel very connected to this energy. The gate of fixed rhythm brings the sacral energy to find your own routines in life. And it is from these routines that we as a collective create patterns to replicate.
Gate 5 is part of the collective logical circuit, so the energy here is focused on the continuation of humanity into the future. It is in these patterns that gate 5 unlocks the vital life force energy in the sacral centre.
You might want to think over, what routines support me? What needs to be put in place for me to feel vital? Where does life need adjusting for me to feel aligned?
For me, it is the rhythms and routines in life that ground me. And this involves stillness as much as it does movement. I thrive with a routine and my life feels like it’s falling apart without it. And it is important that those in my life respect these rhythms, even if they are not their own. So you may want to ask, who needs informing of the routines I’m seeking?
The key to truly harnessing this glorious energy is flexibility. Are you able to reflect on your routines? Can you release any that are no longer serving you? What can I prioritize?
I know, as an undefined sacral, sometimes pieces of my routine are supportive and give me that vital energy, and sometimes they’re not. So can you hold these routines sincerely but with an essence of lightness?
Human Design transits forecast 03/12-09/12 Theme: Priorities, perfection & the intentions of life
For the 3rd December, we are joined briefly by the 58-18, channel of judgement. Bringing in once again the themes of love and perfection (that you can read about here). And ironically bringing some critique and awareness to what may be a very chaotic week.
Holding life lightly – again.
On Monday the 2nd December, we became collectively defined with the 36-35 channel of transitoriness from the Solar Plexus to the throat. My personal favourite. And a huge part of my energy as it is what makes me a Manifestor!
Moving from gate 36, the gate of crisis, to gate 35, the gate of change, this channel is seeking wisdom and lessons for the collective. But it does this in a very personal way. The channel of transitoriness is about the depth of emotional experience, and you can only get deeply into these experiences by getting deeply in to life.
If I was going to sum this channel up in one phrase, it would be “fuck it!” And true, I don’t really know what this is or what the outcome will be (or even if I’ll survive it) but fuck it, let’s find out.
The name here, transitoriness, comes from the fact that this energy is constantly on the move. With its never ending desire to learn more and to feel more, it is always jumping into something new. For those of us with this energy this feels very natural, almost like we don’t mean to. But if this is just visiting you during this transit, the energy may feel a little scary. Maybe a little reckless. And that’s because it kind of is.
You may want to noodle over, what is fear stopping me from experiencing? Could I just jump and find out? Might a new experience make me feel alive?
The collective emotional wave
YAs part of the collective emotional wave, this channel is moving you from an energy of expectation to the inevitable disappointment at the end. It is on this journey that you get the opportunity to experience the super high highs, and the super drop-off, bottomed-out, lows that follow.
The key here is the intention you enter into the adventure. Whilst you will always have expectations, and always hold the potential for disappointment, the focus must be on the journey. What did I learn whilst getting from point A to point B? How can I hold my expectations lightly? Because when you jump into life for ALL of it, you actually open up the opportunity to learn a whole lot more. When you’re not holding on to a certain outcome, you allow even more experiences in.
But warning, this energy carries true “dark night of the soul” vibes. Because the journey from the crisis, the the wisdom you acquire, can be soul destroyingly awful (speaking from personal experience). So you need to allow a little splash of humour into your experience this week.
Because life is so very VERY ridiculous, that we can’t possibly be taking this thing so seriously!
On Monday 9th December the sun shifts to gate 26, in the spleen and we’ll dive into that one next week!
Until next week…
I’d love to know how these Human Design Transits forecast for 03/12-09/12 show up for you! Send me an email or drop a comment in the contact box!
Check out my other transits posts:
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